The honesty in this post is refreshing. I’ve been posting content online for 5 years now. But It took a lot of trial and error to find my rhythm. Just this year, I narrowed down my audience and settled into the niche that truly aligns with me. Right now I’m in a phase of rebuilding. Attracting an audience takes time. Consistently showing up and speaking on the topics that they need to hear is what builds trust. So far the momentum has been great and I’ve been seeing great results. Thanks for sharing this post!

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Glad it was helpful.

I like to say that finding out what your jam is is the hardest part.

Now, it's a matter of simply doing these mechanical (yet simple) things of publishing, etc.

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I appreciate your frankness. I like your approach and wouldn’t have it any other way for myself.

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glad it’s useful :)

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cool math

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I am coming up to the 3 month mark now, I am trying to stay on track, but it's so hard when there seems to be a new amazing idea everywhere I look

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Great start

What’s hard about it?

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I don't know if it's something I want to write about, talk about and work on for a long time, but also don't know if anything else is either

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I thought you were going to say 2 to 5 months, Matt 😂

You're spot on what you said Matt. I like your simple yet realistic approach to content creation.

I've been writing for 10 months and I've enjoying it so far. I'll stick around for a while 😉

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That’s the “secret” Mario

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I agree that 2 to 5 years is a realistic timeframe for reaching $10k a month as a content creator. Expecting to achieve that in just a few months is unrealistic.

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Once you know, it’s possible if you give yourself the right runway is key

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Great article! Keep showing up and eventually it will happen.

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And no hearsay?

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Wow, woke up reading this! Super encouraging to hear. I know consistency beats out anything. Just like working out to lose weight...day in and day out, 💪. Thank you, Matt!

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